a beaten cardboard box, adorned with a sharpie sketch of both miku and pinkie pie with a text bubble that reads


nine months since the last site update, and too many more months since my last post (admittedly a downer post, too) i emerge from the darkness in my spider-man blanket and teddy in hand to give you... a post!

so, what could possibly have happened in the past weird foggy blur of "time" between these posts? not a whole lot!! [lie]

fuzzy image of two cryptids. unknown

i won't get upset, lest i don't forget

grief is a bastard, and the months back home after we landed weren't too kind to me or erys while we tried to adjust and settle. long story short and another uhaul trip later, we've landed in a better situation and have been re-settling after a bit. does the situation not make much sense? no, not really. we did what we had to to stay sane, which is all too important nowadays when my mental health is my permanent priority. mentally i've felt drained, tired and defeated. i want to give in and say this is the worst it's been, but i can't. my sweet wife has been holding me afloat during all this and i'm so grateful and love her so much for holding my hand while i'm struggling. i couldn't have made it this far without them. i love you, erys.

i don't have much in the way of like... art, or games, sorry. suffering a cool case of burnout, which sucks but i'm trying to be kind to myself about it and not forcing myself to push too hard to create. mine and erys' projects have stalled due to this, because gamemaking is truly un-fucking-fair sometimes. these games (which currently are a big bitch hell update/expansion and our gas station game, jsyk)are nowhere closed to cancelled, just on ice until things get better enough for us to work on them confidently. oh, also a neat, updated art browser for this site, with an updated, full archive of all my mspaint art was being worked on until i fell asleep for about two weeks straight. maybe someday soon that'll get done and i'll update the site...

i hope this is a good enough update to justify the enormous gap between posts, but damn dude i really do be forgetting sometimes. i'll work on stuff in css for about fifteen minutes and then get bored and go watch jerma or something. would it be cool to make another post or update before a year has passed between posts? sure, but unrealistic lol. eh, i'll see ya when i see ya, how about that? i'll leave you with a link to my wife's current project, which i think looks fucking Superb and i'm so excited to see where it progresses from here! i love looking over her shoulder watching her work on it, it's really something. you can check that out right here. be kind to yourself, and if you won't i'll kick your ass, bitch (just kidding haha :3)

a small, oval shaped uncoated estrogen pill dropped on the carpet, below a few stray cords